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Associate Professorship

From September 1, 2023, I will join the Institute of Communication and Media at Sorbonne Nouvelle University, France, as an associate professor of communication and media.


Conferences in May-June 2023

On May 23rd, I will be at the University of Turin where I will give an invited talk, together with Paolo Furia (University of Turin), titled “Immagini della città: immagini di stock e l’anestetizzazione del paesaggio urbano (Images of the city: stock images and the anesthetization of the urban landscape)” within the conference “Abitudini Estetiche (Aesthetic Habits)”.

On May 25th, I will be in Rome where I will participate in the workshop “Semiotic Chorologies? Critical and Generative Spaces in an Intercultural World” organized within the 23rd International Roundtables for the Semiotics of Law – IRSL 2023. My presentation is titled “Visual Politics of Science and Technology: on the Narratives about Immersive Narratives”.

On June 2nd, I will be at the University of Burgundy where I will give an invited talk titled “IA et interprétation dans le domaine du soin : le cas des applications pour la détection automatique de la douleur (AI and interpretation in healthcare: the case of applications for automatic pain detection)” within the conference “De l’IA à l’intelligence clinique : ce que le numérique fait au soin  (From AI to clinical intelligence: what digital technology is doing to care)”.

On June 7th-10th, I will participate in the biennial meeting of the Society for Philosophy and Technology in Tokyo. My presentation is titled “Ethics of science communication on digital mobility: the role of images”.

On June 14th-16th, I will participate in the XXIII conference of the French Society of Information and Communication Sciences at the University of Bordeaux Montaigne. My presentation is titled “Images de l’intelligence artificielle dans la communication scientifique : des signifiants flottants (Images of artificial intelligence in science communication as floating signifiers)”.

On June 22nd-24th, I will participate in the 3rd Colloquium on Philosophy and Organization Studies in Crete (Greece), where I will give an invited talk titled “Digital Hermeneutics in Organization Studies”.


Book chapter on automatic pain detection

In the context of the project LOUISA (, I published a book chapter titled “Automatic Pain Detection or the Evidential Paradigm Reversed”, in S. Gerlek, S. Kissler, T. Maemecke, and D. Moebus (dir.), Von Menschen und Machinen : Mensch-Machine-Interaktionen in digitalen Kulturen, Hagen University Press 2022, 31-49.

The entire book is available in open access at


Philosophy of Technology and the French Thought

The special issue of the journal Philosophy & Technology on “Philosophy of Technology and the French Thought” I have edited with François-David Sebbah (Paris Nanterre University) is out. The special issue is one of the outputs of the ImaTeC project (EUR ArTec 2019-2022):

Other articles and an introduction will be soon added to the collection.